A member of several API Standards Committees, Jim Stout is accomplished in Procurement Quality Assurance and a Senior Quality Compliance Auditor. He attends the meetings and helps write the latest revisions of Q1, 6A, 6D and several of the 20-Series standards, which sets him apart from his competition.
Jim has flowed processes, written procedures, work instructions, and performed audits since 1972 in many Fortune 500 companies here and abroad. He was among the first 10,000 auditors certified by IRCA in London. Jim began his career in Quality in the Rubber Industry. He moved into Procurement Quality Assurance in the Petroleum and Aerospace industries.

His unique method of flowing a process with the input of all interested parties in only minutes, and usually done over a lunch hour, saves companies whole man-days of system writing. Jim supports the American Petroleum Institute by attending their meetings and reviewing draft documents, thus keeping his efforts timely with the latest changes in requirements.
After eight years with Goodyear Tire working in Quality, Jim began working with Cameron Iron—first as a field service hand on all the land-based drilling and pressure control equipment followed by Project Quality Management in the US and Europe.
A year with ExxonMobil in Doha Qatar, as the Quality Manager in the Persian Gulf was followed by 15 years with American Petroleum Institute as a Senior Quality Auditor, auditing over 650 companies providing products and services to the Petroleum Industry.

The last 20 years his focus has been on Procurement QA in the Petroleum Industry, auditing, and writing systems around the world in such places as the U.S., South America, Mexico, the Middle East, Aberdeen, and China. Jim has performed international compliance audits on behalf of Shell, British Petroleum, and ExxonMobil. He has written many Quality Systems that meet API requirements & ISO standards, and supported several API sub-committees including: Q1, 6A, 6D & the new 20E committees for processes.
Jim enjoys giving back by tutoring upcoming auditors for API. You can also find him speaking for ASQ, sharing his vast knowledge.
His unique method of flowing a process with the input of all interested parties in only minutes and usually done over a lunch hour, saves companies whole man-days of system writing. Jim supports the American Petroleum Institute by attending their meetings and reviewing all draft documents thus keeping his efforts timely with the latest changes in requirements.
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