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Thesis on banking service quality

Thesis on banking service quality

There is a significant difference between age and mobile banking service qualities (F=10. The three service quality dimensions: reliability, assurance, and empathy influenced customer satisfaction at the bank positively and significantly; the rest of the two dimensions (responsiveness. Recommendations based on the findings were made to. Overall e-banking Service Quality was found to be moderate, where this was the view of the majority of the respondents 69. The study results show that there is a significance difference observed between age of the mobile banking customers and the service qualities of mobile banking services. Primary data method is used to collect data by using the interview method over 504. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected and it is inferred that customers in different age group are difference in their opinion of quality of mobile banking services established a positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in Kenyan banks. We therefore hypothesized that: Students are motivated to. The main objective of this paper is to measure the impact of E-banking thesis on banking service quality service quality on customer satisfaction. Within the banking sector, Alolayyan et al. This finding is not consistent with the findings in the study of. Accordingly, Messay (2012), “believes that excellent service quality is vital to business profitability and survival. Reliability, assurance, tangibility, empathy and responsiveness were used to measure the quality of service offered by the private banks. There is no significant difference between gender and mobile banking service qualities (F=0. The research findings are analysed by qualitative data analyses techniques to build analyses and draw conclusions. Primary studies is done by conducting interviews in a bank as professional service industry. The five dimensions of SERVPERF model i. (2018) found that service assurance had the highest impact on customer satisfaction. The widespread use of Internet in the service sector posed. ” Thus, from the finding of Messay (1996), the researcher understands that if service quality is going down in the organization, it will have negative effects on thesis on banking service quality the organization‟s profitability.. The conclusion from this study is that Customer satisfaction can lead to higher rates of retention of the Kenyan bank customers. Conclusions: Findings reveal that quality of service does effect the customer satisfaction up.

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